For Funeral Homes, Hospices, Faith Based Organizations, Insurance Companies, Preneed Companies
Any organization working in the death care space.
"My life’s work is not about mailing books. I don’t just mail books. I mail a glimmer of hope. A gesture that says “You matter and I care”, “here is some information that may help”. Checking in with grieving families, when typically, close family and friends have moved on, is the most rewarding and valuable experience. I am truly blessed beyond measure!"
Linda Findlay
Linda Findlay
Founder & Owner
Mission of Mourning Discoveries
To maintain the highest quality standards
for our services and resources.
To provide the bereaved with
a lifeline to healing.
To promote awareness about
grief related issues.
To partner with Funeral Homes to
provide Grief Care Education and a caring continuation of service
About Linda Findlay
Linda's working with families spans over four decades. Prior to working with families, she was thrown into what she calls, “The Bereavement World”. Linda acquired a membership into a club that nobody wants to be a member of. Her firstborn daughter, Aubrie, was born and died on September 1, 1989. She was a bereaved parent.
In 1991 Linda started a resource and referral service for grieving families. Mourning Discoveries, Grief Support Services was officially founded in June of 1994 . It wasn't long afterwards, that Linda started working for funeral homes as an Aftercare Coordinator.
Linda's life work is her daughter’s legacy. Not a day goes by, if given the privilege, that she will not help and support somebody who is walking on a path of loss and grief. Linda has supported and worked with thousands of grieving families across this country. She has visited and provided support for grieving families in their homes and through Funeral Homes, Hospices and faith-based organizations. She has created, facilitated, participated in and coordinated hundreds of workshops, services of remembrances, and support groups. Linda is a lay counselor for a Christian Care Ministry in Greenville SC. Her highest honor is to enter people’s lives and help make a difference.